This page is for registered healthcare professionals only
Elevate: Clinical Leadership & Excellence
for Nurses in Primary Care
Empowering Nurses in Primary Care in the management of people with diabetes, CVD, CKD and long term conditions
More than 5 million people in the UK have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, half of whom also have Chronic Kidney Disease. Type 2 Diabetes is one of the main risk factors for premature death from cardiovascular disease.
This programme aims to empower Nurses in primary care - along with DSN’s who cover primary care - to learn, grow and become the leaders of the future, ultimately improving the holistic care of people with Cardiovascular-Renal-Metabolic (CVRM) conditions.
Elevate is open to Primary Care Nurses and newer DSNs (under two years in post ) in the UK who are keen to help shape the future, both in their locality and beyond.
Introductory video
Get involved!
Elevate launched in July 2024 but you can join at any time.
Access the resources below to catch up on content, and use the links to register for our next webinars!
Our webinars
All our webinars are just 30 minutes long, so it’s easy to catch up.
Top tips on creating a business case
With Julie Brake
Download a summary report of the webinar here:
2. How to manage CKD
with Nicki Milne
Download a summary report of the webinar here:
3. Webinar 3: 21st January 2025, 7.00pm
With Beverley Bostock.
Our next 30 minute webinar will focus on Lipid Management.
Have an improvement idea?
Part of the Elevate programme is to support you to drive positive change where you work.
On July 9 2024 part of the meeting agenda looked at projects and how to drive change.
Use the resources below to inspire you.
This meeting and programme has been arranged and organised independently by
LKOTT Consulting Limited and sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim UK (BI).
BI have had no editorial input into or influence over the organisation of these meetings, agendas, speaker selection, presentations or collateral.